Beaver Water Activities Day 23′
Lightwater Beavers joined with other Beavers from Surrey Heath for a Water Activities Day. There were over 70 Beavers from across the district and it was great to all come together for the day. The Beavers were split into groups and worked their way around the different activities. These included boating on the lake (and the opportunity to jump in afterwards if they wanted to), they completed team challenges to collect water with the aim to collect enough water to soak sponges to throw at a leader (a highlight for the Beavers!), they tested their skills at archery, had a go at lighting a fire using flints and learnt to make a little man out of rope and knots. There was also time for lunch, for some free time and chance to make friends with other Beavers from the district. All involved returned home having had a fun day, and maybe a bit wet (either from the lake, the sponges or the rain!)