Jumble Sale
Thank you! We managed a record breaking £1300. Whether you donated jumble, helped out or came along and bought something on the day, we think you’re amazing! You’ve made a real difference to your local scouts. See you on the 23rd September for the next one…
Please help us raise much needed funds for our group.
Lots of bargains to be had! 20p admission. Children free!
Want to de-clutter?
Please bring your jumble to the HQ 6.45-8pm, Friday 3rd March
Sorry we are unable to take large furniture or non flat screen TVs
Need us to collect?
We collect good quality clothing, ‘new items’, bric a brac , toys, books , electricals and other goods
- Lightwater – 01276 476123 (RW), 01276 474080 (DR), 01276 472977 (GM)
- Windlesham – 01276 479337 (AG)