Forty Five Scouts headed to Llangorse in the Brecons in the middle of January. ‘Are you nuts?‘ I hear you ask – well, yes I think we are just a little bit!
Two large bunkhouses and a couple of tents were quickly accommodated. Followed by the impressive art of swapping and losing kit…If there was a badge for this, they would have all received it within the first five minutes.
An all day hike provided not only stunning views, but lots of life skills – map reading, equipment and mountain safety just a few of them. Many of the Scouts had learnt some of this on a recent expedition and so expertly navigated their way as a true team across the stunning terrain. So happy they sung for the entire valley to hear! As a leader there are occasional moments that make your heart glow with pride – this was one of them. A games event that evening involved flying eggs, quiz’s, chopping board tennis and wotsit crisps on shaving foam beards (don’t ask!). There was a lot of laughter.
Sunday morning we were in an amazing centre, climbing, abseiling, caving, crossing rickety high bridges and flying with the aid of zip wires. The Scouts learnt to work together to belay each other whilst climbing. All of which they did so well until they convinced some of the leaders to be on the other end of their rope. I can tell you that letting go of the wall at the top, to come down on a rope a few 10 year olds were holding, tested me more than you can imagine!
The scouts also encouraged us to enter the cave with them – a pitch black limestone warren where you had to find your way through, including ups and downs. Some serious fears were put aside by so many to accomplish this. At one point I found myself lying on my back squished between two rocks, feet first, dangling into a dark hole. The scouts that had said they would help me through had long gone at the hint of lunch being available. With no chance of cheating by getting my phone light out of my squished pocket, I literally held out faith that it was built for children and surely the floor wasn’t that far away? It took me a while to pluck up the courage to move and during that time I wondered how many other mums were in this situation!
A fantastic camp! Thank you to the Scouts, a brilliant team of Leaders and all of you who support us throughout the year to make these things possible.